I am excited to announce that I have been selected by The Coach Foundation for the top 20 public speaking coaches award. To view the lineup of award-winning coaches go to – https://coachfoundation.com/ blog/top-public-speaking- coaches/
KATE GILBERT – Top Coach 2021
Kate Gilbert is a professional speaking coach with over seven years of experience working with individuals from singers to CEOs of global companies. Kate began as an actor and moved into teaching public speaking in schools before going freelance and creating her business as a coach. Kate’s perspective on impactful speaking is to bring out the innate confidence in individuals and arm them with the practical tools to speak well and make an impact.

What do you do differently or how is your coaching different from others?
My coaching is person-centered, I use my intuition to unearth the blocks that are holding people back from full self-expression and gently uncover their blind spots. I draw from holistic practices such as meditation and visualisation. As a performer, my sessions are highly practical rather than theoretical. Once the foundation is set, we then work towards learning the skills that will have a presentation stand out, be memorable and make an impact on the audience.
What according to you has been the single most important thing that has contributed to your success as a coach?
The single most important thing that has contributed to my success as a coach has been my high levels of empathy and sensitivity that have allowed my clients to safely explore areas of self-expression and leadership that had been previously out of their comfort zone and deemed too scary to explore. My own journey from fear of public speaking to confidence means that I am able to relate and guide others to find their confidence.